BLUE MED FAB HR and Social Dialogue initiatives
BLUE MED (BM) FAB Human Resources (HR) and Social Dialogue priority area addresses training harmonization initiatives as well as Social Dialogue sessions in compliance with the Joint Declaration and ToRs signed by the FABs and the International Staff and Professional Associations in October 2011.
This initiative is broken-down into the following activities:
Initial training: survey & gradual convergence towards a BM standard - to harmonise the initial ATC training provided by Training Organisations of BLUE MED States in accordance with the existing regulatory framework (Commission Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 and EUROCONTROL´s Specification for the ATCO Common core content Initial Training, Ed. 21 October 2008).
Unit and Continuation training: survey & gradual convergence towards a BLUE MED standard - such area includes Assessor/Examiner competence requirements, methodology to develop Unit training plans and Competency Schemes, refresher and emergency training.
Social Dialogue – to manage dialogue with social partners, when relevant issues are identified and need to be tackled.