
BLUE MED FAB Implementation Programme

The BLUE MED FAB Implementation Programme (BM-IP) is the agreed roadmap of all the deployment initiatives undertaken by the BLUE MED (BM) Partners. It represents a tangible step towards a concrete ATM performance improvement over the Mediterranean basin.

The BM-IP comprises the European ATM Master Plan deployment priorities selected by the Commission jointly with all concerned stakeholders and reflected in the Interim Deployment Programme (IDP) - the Programme entitled at European Level to bring forward these priorities in a synchronised manner. Therefore, the combination of the BLUE MED FAB objectives and European ATM priorities represents the basis of the Blue Med FAB Implementation Programme.

Through a synchronised regional deployment, the aim is to improve the ATM system in the Mediterranean area as well as, to a wider extent, to contribute to the overall ATM performance improvement at European level as set forth by the SES2+ and relevant FAB-based requirements.

The Programme is a living document, where all initiatives identified follow an incremental approach and achieved tasks are periodically replaced by new activities selected according to the BLUE MED and EU aviation community priorities.

The BM-IP consists of the following working areas, identified and shared by the four BLUE MED ANSPs, NSAs and Military authorities:

  • Operational initiatives;
  • Technical initiatives;
  • Safety initiatives;
  • Human Resources initiatives;
  • FAB Performance framework initiatives;
  • NSA and Civil-Military coordination framework.


For each of the above priority areas, dedicated Working Groups (WGs) and related work programmes are identified. In some cases, due to the wide range of topics addressed, the WGs are further broken down into Task Forces with the aim to ensure a proper follow-up of the activities by the experts in the specific domains.

All BM-IP activities see tight information and coordination among the Partners in order to ensure synchronisation of deployment and mutual transfer of expertise, concepts and best-practices.

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