The first physical meetings of the BLUE MED FAB ANSP Committee and Governing Board since the beginning of the pandemic finally took place in Rome, respectively on Nov. 10 and Nov. 11, 2021.
Air Navigation Services providers’members and State representatives of Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and North Macedonia (which has been cooperating with the FAB for a few years) were present. Those who were not able to attend the meeting in person, joined it by videoconference.
Among the many topics on the agendas of the GB and the ANSPC, there were the common challenges and impact of Covid-19 on aviation, the fast development of technologies and services for drones, the signature of the BLUE MED Implementation Programme 2022/2023, the European regulatory developments related to SESII + and RP3 Performance Scheme, the new Chairmanships of the BLUE MED FAB’s governing bodies for 2022.