An agreement at ANSP level between BLUE MED FAB and DANUBE FAB was signed in October 2014 by the Co-Chairmen of the DANUBE FAB ANSP Board and the Chairman of the BLUE MED ANSP Committee with the aim of establishing and enhancing cooperation in ATM in the two adjacent FABs. This initiative brings together six ANSPs; BULATSA and ROMATSA on the part of DANUBE FAB, and DCAC, HCAA, ENAV and MATS on the part of BLUE MED. Establishing a flexible cooperation mechanism, the agreement will contribute towards the safe, efficient and optimised provision of air navigation services.
This agreement foresees cooperation amongst participants in the areas of operations, technical aspects, training and safety. The ANSP Cooperation Agreement between DANUBE FAB and BLUE MED FAB supports the Single European Sky legislation, with the aim of providing a safer, more cost-efficient, environment-friendly and performance-driven service.
DANUBE FAB and BLUE MED FAB are committed to continue engaging with neighbouring EU and non-EU States so as to deliver additional benefits and further contribute towards better performance.