
BLUE MED FAB participated in the EC FAB Study Workshop in Brussels.


On the 29th of November 2016, the nine FAB initiatives met in Brussels to participate in the final ‘FAB Study Workshop’, a study launched in July by the European Commission.
Mr Maurizio Castelletti - Director of the SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY Unit of DG MOVE - opened the workshop highlighting the rationale behind the FAB study: the workshop has to be considered as a forum for discussing FAB best practices and exploring solutions and mechanisms for their practical implementation. It also provides a comprehensive presentation of the key findings and draft conclusions of the study, including the results of the stakeholder survey.

The Study team (made of representatives of a consortium of specialized consultancy companies lead by Integra) asked each participating FAB to give a short presentation on an implemented good practice, so that BLUE MED informed the audience about the “Engagement of third countries in the BLUE MED FAB” underlining that BLUE MED, in accordance with the Single European Sky legislation, is fully committed in involving other neighbouring Countries - which are non EU Member States - within the FAB activities in the permanent effort to harmonize operational and technical aspects of ATM and European capabilities beyond EU borders.
The final report of the Study, taking into account the Workshop’s findings and insights, will be available by January, 2017.

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