
The BLUE MED FAB Member States met in Brussels to reaffirm their commitment to comply with the Single European Sky Legislation


The BLUE MED Functional Airspace Block (FAB) Member States representatives met in Brussels on the occasion of the Eurocontrol Provisional Council Meeting, to verify the progress of the implementation phase of BLUE MED FAB after the signature of the State Level Agreement during the Aviation Summit of Limassol last 12 October 2012.

Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta reaffirm that the implementation phase of BLUE MED FAB has been already initiated and is in compliance with the deadline of 4 December 2012, as provided in the Single European Sky Regulation. BLUE MED FAB is finalizing the National Supervisory Authority (NSA) and Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) arrangements developed in accordance with the Single European Sky regulatory framework. These deliverables, which will be formalised in the next days, are another step towards the BLUE MED FAB full operations and will enable in the future closer cooperation and more integrated operational capabilities among NSAs and ANSPs.

The arrangement between the National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) sets the scene for a closer coordination of the NSAs of the BLUE MED FAB Member States, with opportunities for greater synergies and working practices in performing their tasks. Equally, the arrangement between the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) defines a framework that will allow an effective and performance driven cooperation in all fields of Air Navigation Services (ANS)/Air Traffic Management (ATM) domains during the implementation phase of the FAB, thus improving the already well advanced collaboration at operational level .
BLUE MED FAB Member State representatives agreed to meet in January 2013 in Rome in order to approve, among other things, all the administrative arrangements and the implementation programme of this Functional Airspace Block.

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