
Held in Malta the 4th InterFAB Point of Contact Workshop


The 4th InterFAB Point of Contact Workshop, hosted by the BLUE MED FAB between the 5th and 6th October 2017, demonstrated the maturity of States, NSAs and Air Navigation Service Providers and their commitment in the respective Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs).

Eight FABs met in Malta for a nine-hour packed agenda. Various discussions encompassed the issues of delays including weather induced, the response from the airspace users, and the volatility of traffic all of which are concerns that the FABs continuously endeavour to address.

Free route airspace developments were of the main encouraging network initiatives at inter-FAB level, with excellent coordination and collaboration FRA projects greatly recognized by the Network Manager who attended the workshop.

The subject of RP3, the recent EC study about the FABs, the unrest around Europe particularly to the East and the South boundaries as well as the Communication strategy of the InterFAB forum were presented.
The Social Dialogue was discussed and recognized as an important factor for a successful implementation of FAB projects. Questions and answers shared by those present, substantiated the need of this forum for another year. The workshop provided continuous lessons learnt and cross fertilization of experiences.

The BLUE MED FAB is gratified towards the FABs attending and the continuous contribution during the two days.
BLUE MED will be following up during the months to come on the proposals agreed, in aim to deliver further towards the common goal of the Single European Sky for a further sound InterFAB forum.

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